Unlock a healthier, more vibrant you!
Young woman looking for beauty and anti-aging interventions that are non-invasive and fun to use. She found Luminous Labs Red Light Therapy. Leading European Red Light Therapy Company. Red Light Therapy enables her to feel and perform her best, focusing on beauty, performance and longevity.
Red Light Therapy: proven, safe, and non-invasive

Your cells, supercharged

Red Light Therapy: proven, safe, and non-invasive
Your cells, supercharged

In 2050, material wealth will not be impressive. Your VO2Max, speed of aging, HRV and body fat percentage will be.

In 2050, material wealth will not be
impressive. YourVO₂Max,
speed of aging,
and body fat percentage
will be.
In 2050, material wealth will not be
impressive. Your VO₂Max,
of aging, HRV
and body fat
percentage will be.

Start shaping your tomorrow

man in white t-short looking forward
Stay your best self, always
Optimize your fertility, cycle and menopause naturally
Women’s health
old woman is smiling
Fuel your cells for a supercharged life
All products

Meet Kini, the first wearable using non-invasive light technology to support and improve female longevity

Kini image Kini image
New year, New you special

Feel the difference in every aspect

A young girl is watching from holding a small child in her arms
uterine blood flow: OPtimal
Optimized female health
Optimized female health

Red light therapy can effectively support your fertility in the long-term.

By increasing blood flow, supporting tissue regeneration and balancing hormones, CellLight™ supports your uterus and ovaries naturally.

Promotes healthy tissue
Balances your hormones
Man is sleeping
Deep Sleep Score
Sleep efficiency
Enhanced deep sleep
Enhanced deep sleep

Near-infrared light enhances mitochondrial function in neurons, helping improve deep sleep.

CellLight™ will not disturb your natural sleep-wake-cycle and melatonin production.

Longer deep sleep
Enhanced neuronal function
Balances sleep hormone secretion
young woman smiles
skin glow
skin firmness
skin tone evenness
skin tone evenness
Youthful skin
Youthful skin

CellLight™ accelerates cellular repair and stem cell proliferation, leading to higher natural collagen and elastin production.

This results in youthful, glowing and clear skin, allowing you to look as young as you feel in your heart.

Accelerated cellular repair
Non-invasively stimulated skin cell proliferation
More natural collagen and elastin
The athletic girl is smiling
Extended longevity
Extended longevity

CellLight™ helps mitochondria produce more energy (ATP), supporting long-term health and protecting against chronic conditions.

Increasing cellular energy not only adds years to your life (lifespan) but also ensures those years are lived in good health (healthspan).

Improved cellular energy production
Better functioning mitochondria
Reduced aging velocity
A man is running on a treadmill
heart rate variability
Boosted mental & physical resilience
Boosted mental & physical resilience

Studies show consistent use of CellLight™ improves heart rate variability (HRV) over time and reduces oxidative stress.

Higher HRV scores reflect greater mental and physical resilience. Lowering oxidative stress helps prevent conditions like atherosclerosis, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, infertility, chronic fatigue syndrome, and slows the aging process.

Reduced oxidative stress
Higher HRV

Helping people feel better, every day

“Charging by body, mind, and spirit with Luminous Labs and meditation is one of my favourite health stacks.”

Habit Change Coach
Wanted increased resilience

“I love using RLT as an athlete and trainer: better performance, less soreness, and faster recovery.”

Certified Health Coach
Looked for increased sports performance

“I love my Luminous Labs device for general wellness, skin health, and healing from surgery.”

Whole30 Coach
Wanted to support skin health and overall wellness

“This has to be one of the most helpful recovery tools I’ve ever used. Today I am using it for my ankle and overall muscle soreness due to a hard weekend of training.”

Fitness trainer
Looked for muscle recovery

“For me, red light therapy has become indispensable, as the application has a positive effect on my system, party measurable and party subjective. Especially in winter, in the early morning hours, during a meditation or a relaxing session on the acupressure mat, there is hardly anything better than the combination of near-infrared light and red light on the body.”

Wanted to support his daily performance

“It’s my first winter season with a red light device, and I have to say I’m thrilled. The dark season has always bothered me. This season was different and I was able to keep my energy constant. Certain factors have contributed to this, but the red light was definitely a great support. The purchase was worth it for me.”

Looked for increased energy and mood

"Just 5-10 minutes of red light therapy can do wonders for your skin, especially if you want to treat these common issues: aging, sun damage, wrinkles and cellulite."

Wanted to improve her skin’s complexion

“I've been using my Luminous Labs panel for a couple of years now. My husband and I have been using it regularly ​​ever since. It's our secret weapon to combating pain, helping muscle recovery, overall rejuvenation and relaxation… I'm so grateful to have this panel and can't imagne life without it - it's THAT GOOD!”

Looked for overall rejuvenation and longevity

"My Monday morning meditation."

Wanted more resilience

"I use it to help my body to age well, to age with cellular health, and I love that it is zero-flicker and zero-EMF."

Looked for more energy

"I like the use of red light simply to recalibrate my circadian rhythm."

Wanted to improve her energy levels

"I keep my Luminousred Model 1 by my bed and use it night and morning. Overtime, I see my skin tone improving. I also use it for post-run recovery."

Looked for better sleep

"The brain pulse feature supports mental clarity, focus, and concentration. With the 10Hz puls-feature optimal brain waves are boosted. And all of that in just 10 minutes daily!”

Wanted to improve her cognitive function

"A few months ago, I decided to try out Red Light Therapy, and it's been a fantastic find Luminousred. Light has really helped me manage my muscle tightness and all the aches that trouble me."

Looked for muscle recovery

“The use of Luminous Labs has allowed me to expand my osteopathic practice. The quality of their products and the thoroughness of the staff in assisting me both before and after purchasing the product have exceeded my expectations.”

Owner Dr. Osteopatia

“Pre-workout or post workout or anytime in between, red light therapy improves: mental acuity, healthy skin, circadian rhythm, performance and recovery, sleep optimization and blood flow. It does all this by stimulating new stem cells for your body. This is a gamechanger!”

Owner of @functionised

“It is one of our favourite biohacks that doesn't take much time but has a lot of benefits. Our bodies love red lights!”

Owner of Bayareabrainspa

“We offer red-light therapy at our high-end spa since 2021. Our guests love the comfort and can book their own appointments using their key card. Very innovative!”

Owner Derberghof

“Red-light therapy in combination with breathwork is a gamechanger. I focus on supporting my clients in better routines for energy production and Luminous Labs supports us greatly here.”

Owner Peakwolf

“By alternating between two temperatures, the body experiences fluctuations in blood flow, which results in a “pumping” effect that can help improve overall cardiovascular health. Red-light therapy from Luminous Labs consists of one part within our “chill zone”.”

Owner Pointlomasportsclub

“As the first B2B partner of Luminous Labs, we have experienced the tremendous benefits of their innovative Photobiomodulation technology in two of our London centers”

Jag Chima
Owner of the BeSuperhuman

Learn how CellLight powers your health. Innovative, science-backed technology created to fuel cellular energy and longevity.


We believe in meaningful conversations. To help you out, we provide a free 20-minute call to answer your questions.

Book a free call
Why does it look like that the LEDs are switched off in the NIR setting?

The near-infrared light spectrum is not visible to the human eye, and therefore any light that has a wavelength greater than around 750nm, you will not be able to see with your naked eye. Your body will still be feeling all the powers of the light wave lengths though!

What is the difference between red light and NIR light?

Both Red Light and NIR light are a part of the light spectrum of the sun. Red Light emits wavelengths of between 600-700 nm and near-Infrared Light (NIR) is invisible to the naked eye and has a wavelength of 700nm to 1000nm. NIR can penetrate the skin much deeper than red light, including all soft tissue, connective tissue, and bone. 

Is red light an alternative to sunlight?

Natural sunlight offers massive benefits, but excess exposure to sunlight, however, can cause problems. This is where red light technology comes in. In recent years, using red light (photobiomodulation) has gained popularity as an alternative to sunlight, because of the amount of convenience and control it offers (like setting the intensity and wavelength). However, while red light is helpful for improving your overall well-being, increasing energy, and optimising sleep IT IS NOT a substitute for natural full-spectrum sunlight. Ideally, you want to get both in your daily routine – sunlight in the morning to help you wake up, boost vitamin D levels, improve mood, etc., and red light from a red light therapy device to boost mitochondrial function and improve your overall health and wellness. However, since getting regular doses of sunlight might not be possible for everyone (due to location, season, schedule, lifestyle, etc.), then red light technology is a great and convenient alternative to make up for the low amount of natural light!

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Unlock a healthier, more vibrant you!

Fuel your body with the power of light-based wellness.

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